Why a Built-In-Vacuum?
“A central Vacuum system can be a valuable addition to a home. A home equipped with such a feature often is easier to sell than comparable homes without them”
— Walter Molony, National Association of Realators
Why Central Vac?
— Up to 5 times more powerful than many portables
Healthy Home
— Clinical research shows a Beam System relieves major allergy symptoms
Adds Value
— Easy to install in just a few hours
— Add as much as $1500 value to the home
— Lightweight, versatile components

Over 50 million Americans suffer from allergy and asthma. Unfortunately, much of their suffering can be caused by air quality in their house. Dust, dander, mold, dust mites, pollen and other allergens make millions of alergy and asthma sufferes miserable in their own home. Homes with pets require extra-thorough, deep cleaning.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air quality can be 2 to 5 times worse than outdoor air and that 6 out of 10 homes and buildings are “sick” and are hazardous to occupants. A Central Vacuum System can improve your indoor air quality by 52%!
Yesterday’s luxury appliances are standard equipment in today’s home. Your furnace, cooking stove, refrigerator and water heart are built in, aren’t they? Wouldn’t it be difficult if you had to remove your washing machine or dishwasher from a cluttered closet each time you needed it
Our process
How We Work
Wouldn’t you like to just plug in a hose at an easy to reach inlet and breeze through cleaning all over your home? If you answered yes, here are more reasons why you will love a Central Vacuum.
You’ll hear the doorbell and the phone. You’ll vacuum the baby’s room while the baby sleeps undisturbed. The power unit is in the basement, garage, or utility room so you can enjoy whisper quiet cleaning.
The power of the Central Vacuum cleaner is not limited by size, shape, or portability. It can deliver more than twice the suction of a portable vacuum cleaner.
Central Vacuums do not recirculate dust and germs like conventional vacuums. You dust less frequently and your family breathes cleaner air. Isn’t that what it’s all about?
Unlike portable vacuums that can recirculate dust, a Central Vacuum System removes 100 percent of contacted dust, mites, pollen, animal dander and other allergens out of living areas. Up to five times more powerful than an upright vacuum, a Central Vacuum System deep cleans carpets, upholstery, drapperies, wood and tile. Why lug a heavy vacuum? With a Central Vacuum powerful electric powerhead lightweight 35′ crushproof, electric hose and versatile cleaning attachments let you clean floors, ceilings, stairs, even your car and garage–everything you want to clean–with ease.

Tubing installed through interor walls, attic, basement and crawlspaces connect vacuum inlets to the power unit/collection canister. With BEAM or HP Products exclusive filtration system, thee’s no outside venting required. Each strategically located inlet lets you vacuum approximately 700-800 square feet. A Central Vacuum System can be installed in virtually any home, now or old, usually in just hours.