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Clinical Proof

Clinical Research Prooves

A Central Vacuum System provides relief for allergy sufferers!

Research has revealed a new remedy for allergy sufferers that is not a drug: a Central Vacuum System. Clinical research at the University of California at Davis has shown that a Central Vacuum System provides measurable relief for allergy sufferers.

The Research

Indoor air pollution is one of the most common problems addressed by allergists and is troublesome for their patients. Central vacuum systems often are recommended for removing pollutants. Researchers at the University of California at Davis set out to determine whether a central vacuum system can relieve allergy symptoms.

The Findings

Unlike conventional vacuums that can recirculate dust, a Central Vacuum System removes 100% of contacted dust, mites, pollen, animal dander and other allergens, and is superior to a conventional vacuum in providing relief from allergy symptoms. Study results were published in an article entitled “The Influence of a Central Vacuum System on Quality of Life in Patients with House Dust-Associated Allergic Rhinitis”, which appeared in The Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology*. The study was conducted under the auspices of Stanley M. Naguwa, M.D., and M. Eric Gershwin, M.D., both of the Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, University of California at Davis School of Medicine, Davis, CA, USA.

UC-Davis clinical research proves a Central Vacuum System reduces allergy symptoms.

Nasal Symptoms: Patients who used central vacuum systems rated the severity of stuffy/blocked nose, runny nose, sneezing and postnasal drip 47 percent less than the baseline and 49 percent less than when they used a traditional vacuum.

Non-Nasal/Eye Symptoms: Patients who used central vacuum systems rated the severity of fatigue, thirst, reduced productivity, tiredness, poor concentration, headache or feelings of being worn out 48 percent less than the baseline and 46 percent less than when they used a traditional vacuum.

Eye Symptoms: Patients who used central vacuum systems rated the severity of itchy, watery, sore and swollen eyes 61 percent less than the baseline and 60 percent less than when they used a traditional vacuum.

Sleep Symptoms: Patients who used central vacuum systems rated the severity of sleep symptoms including difficulty getting to sleep, waking up at night and lack of a good night’s sleep 44 percent less than the baseline and 49 percent less than when they used a traditional vacuum.

Thank you to Hogrefe & Huber Publishers and the Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology for allowing the above article to be posted on the internet.